Tree Ground Preparation

GOOD Ground Prep

BAD Ground Prep

Proper ground preparation is incredibly important to have a successful tree planting. The planting site NEEDS to be broken the year before trees are planted. In fact, most sites will need to be worked multiple times to be ready for planting.

Having “clumpy” soil (like in the BAD photo above) allows air pockets to form around the new tree’s roots. This causes the roots to dry out and kills the tree.

It is also recommend that the tree site is reworked in the spring right before trees are planted. This can help keep unwanted vegetation from competing with the newly planted trees.

Installing Weed Barrier Fabric

Weed Barrier Fabric is installed after all the district’s tree plantings are completed. While your trees will be planted in late Spring, it could be well into Summer before the fabric is installed.

Weed Barrier Fabric will not lay properly if there is excessive vegetation around the trees. The ground around the trees will need to be worked to keep the soil loose and weed free for fabric installation.

Stark & Billings Soil Conservation District lays Weed Barrier Fabric on all tree plantings in Dunn County.